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AtOM - Attestation of Meet

AtOM allows you to prove your IRL interaction with someone (via EAS attest function) and grow your social graph through NFT badges that represent on or off-chain meets.

AtOM - Attestation of Meet

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Project Description

We realized that EAS has a fundamental limitation when creating attestations between 2 parties who have "met IRL". The attestation is only single-sided and there is no way to display or show off the attestation outside of an on-chain signature. So we decided to build the AtOM, or Attestation of Meet.

AtOM will distribute NFTs, on the Zora network, to users who verify their attestation of meeting through 2 signatures. The NFTs will only be distributed when each user completes the bi-lateral verification. Now individuals can both confirm and display their verified connections.

Lastly, AtOM will also act as a verified social graph. With AtOM social graph feature, users will be able to visually verify all attested connections through an on-chain web of accounts.

How it's Made

AtOM is built on top of EAS. EAS is used to verify the attestation between 2 individuals. AtOM attestation happens BASE network by default, but we also give the option to the users to select between Optimism and Zora, whichever is their preferred network.

We developed a NEW EAS schema that forces 2 users to attest to a “met IRL” for attestation to be a “verified connection.” After users make a new connection, their dashboard will be populated with verified connections. Each user must then select “verify” on their dashboard in order to be a verified connection. Then each user will be distributed an NFT on the Zora network representing their attestation of the meet.

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