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We built a Validium style rollup using Optimism bedrock and FEVM with provable data availability guarantees using Storage Deals


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Project Description

Optimistic rollups are the most popular scaling solution for blockchains, however transactions costs are still determined by L1 gas prices which still makes them expensive for the masses. Majority of this cost can be attested to the transaction data that the rollups post on L1 as calldata. We built an optimistic rollup that uses FEVM to store L2 transaction data for cheap, pay for storage costs and commit to state roots. This makes our optimistic rollup way cheaper as storage is cheap compared to L1 block size and secure because of the data availability guarantees that we programmed via Storage Deal api's

How it's Made

We selected optimism's bedrock as our L2. We used hardhat to deploy rollup contracts to fevm and mocked storage deal's to pay for long term storage of l2 transactions on filecoin. We used real time transactions from optimism and was able to rollup 15,000 + transactions to FEVM. This will save our L2 users millions in gas since we are not paying for L1 call data. We can also use fraud proof's to prove if there was any malicious actions performed by the sequencer, this is possible because of FEVM.

To summarise, we have a fully functioning layer 2 rollup which is sequencing real time optimism transactions and rolling it up to FEVM which demonstrates gas savings and programmable guarantees for off-chain data availability using the Storage Deal api which ensures security for our users.

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