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Live Learning Platform built on the Decentralized Web. Astter.Live serves as a live online classes platform built for the decentralized web, an upgrade to our existing AstterEd which focusses on short form educational video content and courses and content.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Astter.Live is our continuation of AstterEd started in Moralis Avalanche Hackathon. AstterEd received grants from Protocol Labs and we have thus far developed that as a mobile-only application. The idea is to develop Astter.Live into a web + mobile application which makes use of technologies in web2 and web3.

Astter.Live lets users create streams and promote educational content. This project has different categories as of now Neuroscience, Psychology, and Design, though the idea is to bring in more fields here. One user can generate only one stream but can have multiple sessions wherein they promote different content.

How it's Made

This project uses Livepeer for decentralized access to GPUs that support our educational streaming platform. Livepeer is the support system of our project as all the streaming is done using their SDK.

IPFS in the form of NFT.Storage is used to store the thumbnails for our live streams.

Our smart contracts are deployed on Aurora Testnet. The project will be developed further on Aurora Testnet and deployed on Mainnet upon successful testing.

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