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Assurage is an insurance smart contract platform built on top of Filecoin EVM, which enables Storage Providers to obtain insurance that protects them from slashing penalties, so-called sector fault fees.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Fault insurance that Assurage provides is financial protection for SPs who agree on an insurance contract with Assurage and pay the premium for it. It compensates affected SPs when they are unwillingly slashed for being faulty on the network. After the insurance market creator called Assurage Delegate has completed reviewing and approving filed claims submitted by SP, the cover is paid from the capital supplied by insurers, those who deposit funds to Assurage's ERC4626-based Protection vault.

Thereby, Assurage helps SPs grow their business more sustainably by minimalizing unexpected operational risks, as well as provides investment opportunities with investors on the Filecoin network.

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How it's Made

Since Assurage is a pure smart contract system that interacts with FVM actors, having to validate the state of Storage Providers, such as a beneficiary address, allowance amount, and expiration time, and require them to perform state-changing transactions such as FIL transfer and withdrawal, it integrates Zondax's solidity API into the core of the system.

As such, Assurage is designed in a way that most of its core components can remain unaware of the fact it is built on FVM because MinerAPIHelper(, which is inherited from the AssurageManager contract, abstracts the whole FVM-specific interactions with Miner actors.

Although, as a realistic solution, a set of integral procedures, such as policy applications/activations and claim assessments, are partially centralized in a way that relies on trusted parties' management and decisions, the API enables Assurage to serve insurance fully on-chain from the perspective of financial transparency. It'd be perfect if even those non-decentralized aspects could be removed in the future with the advent of reliable oracles that can bridge various data between FVM and FEVM will emerge.

Another technical edge that Assurage holds is the ERC4626-centric architecture that not only allows users(insurers) to invest flexibly in the insurance market through its Router contract but also encourages external smart contract applications to integrate and utilize Assurage. Assurage can be an integral part of the FEVM DeFi ecosystem in a way that attracts other DeFi protocols to invest in the various Assurage protection vaults, and also it can also inject massive liquidity into other protocols via its strategy contracts.

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