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Artverge on Mantle Network: Where Creativity Meets Security in NFTs.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Artverge on Mantle Network addresses several key issues within the NFT marketplace:

Complex Onboarding: Simplifies the onboarding process for newcomers by offering walletless login options and creating new wallets for users without prior crypto experience. This solves the barrier to entry for those unfamiliar with wallets and crypto.

Limited Payment Options: Provides flexibility in payment methods, allowing sellers to accept both crypto and fiat currencies. This addresses the limited options for buyers and sellers, making it easier for a broader audience to participate.

Technical Barriers for Creators: Eliminates the need for coding skills when listing NFTs, enabling artists and creators to focus on their craft without the technical hurdles. This solves the issue of technical barriers that prevent some creators from entering the NFT market.

Transaction Transparency and Security: Records all transaction data on the Mantle blockchain, ensuring a secure and immutable record of all transactions, including fiat payments. This solves the lack of transparency and security concerns present in some NFT marketplaces.


How it's Made

User Experience and Interface: Creating a user-friendly interface that caters to both experienced crypto users and newcomers could have been challenging. Balancing simplicity with the complexity of blockchain and crypto functionalities requires thoughtful design.

Wallet Integration and Security: Integrating wallet systems seamlessly while ensuring high-level security could have posed technical hurdles. Ensuring that walletless onboarding remains secure and user-friendly would have been a significant challenge.

Auction Functionality: Developing a secure and engaging auction feature while preventing potential loopholes or security vulnerabilities could have required significant testing and refinement.

Blockchain Integration: Integrating with the Mantle blockchain to record and manage transaction data, including fiat payments, might have presented challenges related to data accuracy, scalability, and ensuring the immutability of records.

Education and Adoption: Educating users about the benefits of NFTs, wallets, and blockchain technology while addressing concerns or misconceptions in the wider community might have been an ongoing challenge for adoption.

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