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ArtifactsDAO : DataDAO for DeSci Projects build on top of FVM


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

DataDAO for DeSci Projects build on top of FVM. DataDAOs are DAOs whose mission revolves around the preservation, curation, augmentation, and promotion of datasets considered valuable by their stakeholders. Decentralized Science [through DataDAOs] DataDAOs can be used to store open-access papers and journals. They can store (as proof) the results of reproducible experiments and provide incentives for scientists to upload new papers over time. They can raise funds for research that are unorthodox or come from a unique source.

How it's Made

This project uses DAO reward contract and a custom NFT voting contract to allow DAO members to vote for Papers and Artifacts that will be permanently stored on the filecoin Network using available data deals from the SP. The front-end used Next.js with ethers.js to communicate with the deployed smart contract o n FVM.

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