ArchivedMeta created an NFT collection archived into the filecoin network natively.
ArchivedMeta created an NFT collection archived into the filecoin network natively. The critical point is that users can upload their posts into the contract and pay storage actors to store them for 3 months. If someone likes that post they can mint it as an NFT and create a new deal! Using that algorithm the most wanted files will always be there! If someone is already an owner of an NFT he can renew the agreement as many times to as many providers as he wants to. Using ArchivedMedia the most wanted posts stay safe and sound. We also included a comment section for each post using by adding a groupID inside the Post | NFT metadata.
This project is a ERC721 Collection using the FEVM to natively persist files of Posts and NFTs into the blockchain. To achieve that we used Remix to deploy the contract into the wallaby testnet and Metamask with the wallaby RPC Url to interact with the ArchivedMedia contract. We are also leveraging for currently showcasing our creations. The final thing that we implemented was for each post comments. Ceramic is an IPFS implementation of libP2P.