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Step into an expansive open-world gaming metaverse on L2, boasting low latency and scalable in-game communication with live audio and video.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Huddle01 - Metaverse Track

Project Description

Arcave introduces the Arverse, a user-friendly metaverse addressing various challenges.

  • Low-Poly Multiplayer Space: Within Arverse, users find an open, low-poly space designed for relaxation and social interactions among Arborgs.

  • Arzone FPS: The platform features Arzone, an aggressive multiplayer FPS game, offering an immersive and competitive gaming experience.

  • Open Theatre: Arverse provides an Open Theatre where users can collectively view and share important moments, fostering a sense of community.

  • Live Video and Audio Calls: Arverse integrates live video and audio calls for immersive user interactions within its open world.

  • Upcoming Leaderboard: Anticipating the introduction of a leaderboard, which will recognize and honor top players, fostering competitiveness and engagement within the platform.


How it's Made

  • Crafting a feature-rich 3D multiplayer game within a tight timeline presented hurdles, especially integrating FPS matches, video conferencing, and continuous binge-watching.

  • Challenges emerged within Mantle while attempting to mint test tokens on the chain, disrupting an otherwise smooth process.

  • Waku faced issues with nodes, encountering errors like remote peer failure and connection issues, demanding focused troubleshooting.

  • Huddle's documentation inconsistencies caused delays, requiring additional time to address despite an otherwise smooth progression.

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