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Apes Together Strong

Apes Together Strong Makes Smart Wallet Ethernal, enabling your pack to help social recover you

Apes Together Strong

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Safe - Best app integrating Passkeys with the Safe Smart Account 1st place

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Project Description

This initiative integrates the "Gnosis Safe" 1.4.1 Smart Wallet + ERC 7579 Smart Accounts, which uses counter-factual gasless transactions through Pimlico, with the "ERC7579" Rhinestone Social Recovery Module to facilitate streamlined social recovery capabilities via the EthGlobal Arx wristband.

In a nutshell, it is a simple tap on the wrist to secure funds by adding people as potential recovery signers.

How it's Made

The project is composed of multiple components:

The smart contracts are based on Gnosis Safe 1.4.1 smart-wallet implementation, the SAFE-ERC7579 Smart Account Adapter and with the ERC7579 Rhinestone Social Recovery Module to help add the social recoverers easily and we are using Pimlico on the Ethereum Sepolia testchain to publish our userOperations. We utilized EthGlobal Arx Library to generate EOA signatures via the NFC Tap, making social recovery as simple as tapping your wrist on a screen.

The front end was the most challenging part of having the most seamless possible experience with the fewest user interactions possible to have the best User Experience. No Technical Know How Required!

Additionally, we have done

  • Opened a PR to fix the 7579 tutorial
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