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Empowering Engagement: Transforming Events with Interactive Rewards


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Throughout the ETHIndia week, we've actively participated in numerous meetups and workshops. A prevalent observation has been that a significant portion of the audience seems disengaged from the speakers' presentations. Motivated to enhance participant involvement, we brainstormed and conceived an innovative solution. Our idea revolves around the creation of an interactive platform akin to Kahoot, but with an added twist. Organizers can incorporate a token staking feature for the prize pool, ensuring a heightened level of excitement. The top performers would receive their rewards seamlessly through a smart contract, injecting a new layer of efficiency and transparency into the event dynamics.


How it's Made

Encountering hurdles while building this project was a valuable part of the process. Setting up FEVM Interplanetary Consensus initially posed complexity, requiring in-depth research and trial-and-error methods. Integrating sockets brought compatibility issues, resolved through meticulous testing and guidance from seasoned developers. Smart contract optimization demanded a deep dive into Solidity, employing rigorous code review and gas optimization techniques to enhance efficiency without compromising functionality. Each challenge was overcome through a blend of research, collaboration, and iterative refinement, ultimately enriching our development journey.

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