A decentralized content platform/community which reward authors and valuable readers with FileCoin. We storage articles on ipfs/filecoin to avoid boring 404.
samek as short one now. A decentralized content platform/community which reward authors and valuable readers with FileCoin. We storage articles on ipfs/filecoin to avoid boring 404.
We spend a lot of time research in ipld/filecoin/DID
-- written by askender in Anwen Team
We care about knowledge sharing. It makes us happy. So we use language, book, Internet, www/w2c, Wikipedia, Github, Arxiv, IPFS, Web3, etc.
We care about knowledge storage. It makes us can talk to genius in old times and the future. There are too many 404, so we use stone, FileCoin, etc.
We care about knowledge-creating. People are struggling for money (which can be used to buy basic resources and time to create). People are too painful to create. We try to give money to creators and sharers as much as we can. No good tools. Money is in rich guys. So I create Anwen and use LikeCoin and other payment to support creators and sharers.
Imagine a world in which everyone has enough resources. People have time trying to find what they love. People share anything without a burden. In that world, I will only be watching, reading, listening, thinking, creating. In that world, I will research artificial intelligence happily.
I work in NLP(Natural Language Processing) and Artificial Intelligence areas for years. I wrote some papers and products. I think it is a good tool for us. But the world is becoming more centralized.
I want to speedup decentralization. I will work for my dream directly. Even I still don't have enough resources and will very poor if I am unlucky.
Anwen, support creators, and sharers. We will give them money. We help people finding what they love intelligently and efficiently.
Building / storage on filecoin, ipfs. And open source.
Python / html5 css js
Web page / web client
Store articles in ipfs and filecoin
A websites allow creator upload articles and gain filecoin. And avoid 404
sync filecoin daemon and create wallet (wallet-address and private_key)
read ipns(on-filecoin) articles (optional: send filecoin as gift) !!!(author will happy)
INFO-on-chain-minimum user-wallet-address & article-wallet-address !!!(more privacy)
INFO-on-chain-open user-wallet-address & article-wallet-address & ipns-address
INFO-on-chain-public user-wallet-address & article-wallet-address & ipns-address & ipfs-address !!!(more data open)
if user want to comment on article, user is create an article related on original one.
cache ipns(on-filecoin) articles on self-hosted ipfs-node (free)
create another wallet (for send filecoin as gift) !!!(more privacy)
create/update article and push it to ipns(free version)
create/update article and push it to ipns(on-filecoin) !!!(optional: author will pay for speed and storage)
metadata in article:
ipfs of previous version (optional)
filecoin wallet address (optional) (reader maybe send coin as gift)
other coin wallet address (optional) (reader maybe send coin as gift)
upstream ipns/ipfs (optional)
related ipns/ipfs (optional)
ipfs of current content (optional)
use wallet(wallet-address and private_key) offered by sharer/retrieve-miner/publisher (donot storage too much coin in that)
use ipns private_key offered by sharer/retrieve-miner/publisher (change to a opensource client is better)
use publish system offered by sharer/retrieve-miner/publisher (change to a opensource client is better)
offer better service of ipns(on-filecoin) and user experience
should never delete wallet addresses in an article
should never change content in an article
can append wallet address as a sharer/retrieve-miner/publisher (people may send filecoin as gift too)
watch sharer/retrieve-miner/publisher and diff ipns content
if found abuse of author's article, such as delete wallet addresses and change content, protector will open the information, and marked it as bad-ipns
notify ipfs-node delete bad-ipns and filecoin-node stop fast retrieve of bad-ipns