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Anood is a crypto-synthetic trading protocol that uses a price feed and a liquidity pool to make markets


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

is a crypto-synthetic trading protocol that uses a price feed and a liquidity pool to make markets. An automated market maker modeled by Gaussian functions quotes prices to traders. Users can trade with leverage using a fair system that shares margin across positions to minimize liquidation risk. Anyone can participate in the liquidity pool by buying AND tokens, which track each user’s share in the pool. Some components of the protocol that rely on speed and low cost are managed off-chain.

How it's Made

on the frontend, This projects uses Svelte framework, coinbase price feed, and ethers to connect to filecoin's hyperspace testnet, the frontend is also deployed on the spheron network, and at the time of writing an implementation for the push protocol is in progress.

on the backend hardhat framework was used to deploy the smart contracts, the project consists of 10 solidity contracts.

for testing purpose please use this address to mint usdc : 0xa0f29623DDD59b9F82317b9bE0cD9bA7de58e449

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