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Transparent, Anonymous, Privacy Preserving , Everything ZK


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

In a breakthrough for secure and accessible digital voting, our project introduces a pioneering Ethereum-based voting system integrated with India's Aadhaar card for robust identity verification. This system leverages cutting-edge zk-proof technology to ensure the authenticity of voter identity while maintaining privacy and security.

Upon successful Aadhaar verification, users are seamlessly directed to a list of ballots, reflecting our commitment to a user-friendly experience. Each ballot incorporates unique criteria for eligibility, such as age or university credentials, verified via the innovative Polygon ID tool. This multifaceted approach to verification ensures that only eligible voters participate, bolstering the integrity of the voting process.


How it's Made

Polygon ID was tough to use

background image mobile

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