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Anon Bot

To make user registrations a pain free and secure process.

Anon Bot

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Duplicate entries for events can be a significant challenge for event organizers. They can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and inaccurate event attendance data, causing a poor attendee experience and wasted resources. Solving this issue is essential to ensure seamless and successful events.

We are solving this by verifying a telegram id by a user's aadhar card. We are generating the proof from Anon Aadhar and then verifying it against the telegram user and stroing this information onchain in a base contract that we have deployed. To keep track of the number of users that are present.


How it's Made

We ran into challenges in deploying the contract of Anon Aadhar to verify the credentials that we get in return when the proof is generated.

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