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Data DAO for eternal storage of family trees using smart contracts and filecoin storage.


Created At


Winner of


📊 Filecoin — FEVM & Data DAOs

Project Description

Anc3stree is the new DAO allowing anyone to build their family tree and keep a record of their family relations. Being decentralized and accessible from any blockchain, we offer a perpetual family tree storage allowing next generations to learn about their origins.

Active members and recognized participants of this decentralized autonomous organization get an NFT sent to their wallet. This gives them access to their family tree and allows them to modify or add family members to the tree data structure. In addition, any individual owning an NFT can propose & vote on proposals.

How it's Made

This projects is using React for the frontend, we made some designs and mockups using Adobe XD, and finally the core smart contracts were programmed using the Solidity language, we tested on the FEVM testnet

We used web3 storage to store the trees.

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