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While the Wifi is down you can play AlwaysOnline to compete and Win prizes!


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Anytime ETHGlobal has Internet issues from now on everyone can play AlwaysOnline. The game runs in your browser and is completely frontend based. The player can submit high scores to win prizes. The high score transaction creates a POAP Nft for the local ETHGlobal event on Linear. This POAP contains your high score that you submit.

Handling Offline and the secret sauce The game runs in offline mode in the users browser and transactions can be sent to our local server on the wifi itself. We bundle these transactions and send them to our 4337 bundler when the internet access returns. We check for the internet being online in 5 minute increments automatically to try and commit the prizes. The leaderboard is updated initially locally from submitted transactions that we store on our caching server. When the internet is connected our caching server processes the transactions and sends them to our Bundler to process onto the blockchain. The player receives the POAPs into their wallets with their highscore as an NFT attribute.

Future extensions

  1. More chains to submit POAPs to
  2. A pool of prizes for sponsors to tip into for everyone to win
  3. Customizable game for each of the ETHGlobal local events. E,g this is a NYC event and has custom background. A different location would have a different background that represents that country.

How it's Made

The project uses Connectkit to connect to wallets. Openzepplin's 721 contract has been forked and built upon to handle custom meta data in the token. The game is written in javascript and react and is ultra lightweight so that everyone can play it. The POAPs are minted onto Linear with a ERC4337 bundler.

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