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alphagram with p2p nft trading in chat

Social experience for P2P NFT trading directly in Telegram chat UI with token-enabled smart contracts for a convenient and secure NFT market.

alphagram with p2p nft trading in chat

Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Project Description

P2P NFT in Chat is a blockchain-based social feature designed specifically by using the alphagram app, a 3rd-party Telegram, in chat page, allowing users to directly engage in P2P NFT transactions within chat conversations.

It utilizes smart contracts and digital tokens to exchange NFTs, offering users a faster and more convenient trading experience. This feature boasts high security as the transaction process is executed entirely on the blockchain without the need for third-party platforms. Additionally, the process is transparent and easily traceable, which is beneficial for protecting user privacy and assets.

How it's Made

  1. Ethereum blockchain: Utilizes smart contracts to enable NFT trading functionality and cryptocurrency payments.

  2. Smart contract with solidity: Writes smart contracts to execute transactions on the Ethereum network.

  3. alphagram integration (Telegram open source): Seamlessly integrates with the Telegram chat interface, allowing users to trade within chats.

  4. IPFS: Stores and distributes NFT metadata and related media files, ensuring decentralized storage and high-performance.

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