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A decentralized Ethereum allowance platform for secure, time-bound transactions, fostering financial management in various relationships and use cases.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Polygon - Best use of zkEVM

Project Description

AllowFlow addresses the challenge of efficient and controlled fund allocation within decentralized ecosystems. It streamlines the process of managing allowances, offering a secure and transparent solution for various scenarios.


How it's Made

  1. We were trying to integrate The Graph, but ran into very major problems. One of them was with integrating graph with the smart contract. After doing all the steps , the value of address kept on coming as null . This made it impossible to integrate graph for our dapp.
  2. As beginners in technologies used during implementation of the project, we faced a lotof troubles that were very basic. These basic problems took a lot of time and effort to move forward.
  3. Push notifications were working well the mumbai matic testnet but was not running properly on the sponsored polygon zkEVM. This made all our efforts go in vain , of building the entire notification system for our end user.
  4. We tried integrating metamask snap and tried building a custom wallet experience for the users of AllowFlow, but were unable to do so because metamask snaps weren't working with testnets.
    We will work on our deficiencies and will improve the project in future.
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