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Start a new habit with our challenge. Commit by staking and maintaining the habit to succeed. If you fail, half of your stake is used to support public goods, while the other half rewards consistent participants.


Created At

ETHGlobal Sydney

Winner of

Unlimit - Best Use Case of Unlimit Crypto

NounsDAO - Best Nounish Public Goods 3rd place

Base - Build an Onchain Product 1st place

ETHGlobal - 🏆 ETHGlobal Sydney Finalist

Project Description

Our project is a habit builder that encourages commitment to new habits through a unique staking system. The users first register via Base Smart Wallet in 3 taps. To Participate in the challenge, users will stake a certain amount as a symbol of their commitment to the habit they wish to establish. Even if you’re a web3 newbie with no balance in the wallet, you can also easily on-ramp with Unlimit.

We're offering two habit-building tracks: one for mental health and the other for physical health, both of which are crucial in today's world. For mental health improvement, we encourage participants to enjoy nature and engage in offline interactions with friends. Participation can be confirmed by tapping the ARX NFC at the designated location. For physical health, we're integrating with Strava so exercise records can be directly logged into Alibuda. Participants who maintain these habits have the opportunity to win unique Nouns NFTs and a share of the unsuccessful participants' stakes.

If participants fail to maintain their habit, 50% of their stake is automatically directed towards public goods. The remaining 50% is used to reward those who consistently keep their habits. This system promotes personal growth and contributes to public goods, benefiting both the individual and the larger community.

⭐️ Watch our live demo video here:

How it's Made

Base: Keyless sign-in is available with the Base smart wallet. We have integrated the Coinbase smart wallet using the beta version of the Coinbase Wallet SDK. Utilizing ERC4337 allows users to browse and join a challenge on any device using a passkey without the need to create or connect to a crypto wallet. With Base also sponsoring the gas fee, the onboarding process is made incredibly easy. Based.

Unlimit: Unlimit is an on-ramp service. We integrated Unlimit to allow new web3 user to easily deposit assets to their wallet and join the challenge. To motivate the users to build a new habit, they’ll need to stake to join a challenge. As new users, their Base Smart Wallet balance will be starting at 0. We use Unlimit to on-ramp and bootstrap their new Base Smart Wallet. In the sandbox environment, Unlimit didn’t support Base Sepolia, and Base Smart Wallet only support Base Sepolia. Luckily, we have Webhook with Unlimit, which enables us to let users deposit to our protocol treasury, and we can use our protocol treasury on Base Sepolia to bridge to the Base Smart Wallet.

Strava: Strava is an exercise-tracking app. There are already 120 million users on Strava, and they can be easily onboard Web3 with good UX. We use Strava API to authenticate and retrieve users’ sports activities and sign the activity ID and verify the signature on the chain. Once the user has enough proof collected, they will be able to finish the challenge.

Arx NFC: To enable our application to validate real-world interactions, whether it's proving that users have met people or have been physically present at a location, we utilize the ARX chip. The embedded ECDSA private-public key pair signs a challenge message once the user taps their phone on it. Then, the signature is sent for verification to the smart contract on-chain for check-in verification. We use the Halolib API's execHaloCmdWeb and call the sign command to sign over the user's wallet address and the current timestamp with the chip's private key.

Nouns: Our whole project is inspired by the Nouns Running Club ( We are from Taiwan, and we have one of the biggest NRC communities. Be Nounish and supporting public goods is the core of our project. We use art pieces from Nouns DAO to indicate different mental or physical health activities a user has attended, using them as “stamps” when users are building new habits.

⭐️ Watch our live demo video here:

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