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Algo Combo

Automate Money Making

Algo Combo

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

1inch Network - Build an Innovative Application on top of 1inch Network's Fusion API 2nd place

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

AlgoCombo is a realtime automated onchain algo trading platform that allows users to fearlessly invest into a bunch of cryptocurrencies. With its state of the art algorithms AlgoCombo provides a secure interface for executing automated algorithmic trades.

Over 85% of the people who invest in cryptocurrencies suffer a loss due to their unwise trading decisions. AlgoCombo aims to solve this problem and help them become degen traders. With the help of our state of the art algorithms, users can safely invest into a bunch of cryptocurrencies. Due to its automated nature users do not have to worry about whether they should sell or hodl, our algorithms do that for them. Instead they can spend their time doing something more productive like attending ETHGlobal events.


How it's Made

Overall the development issues were mostly related to the lack of docs and integration issues. Some of the issues that we faced are:-

  1. Lack of documentation surrounding 1Inch APIs.
  2. Lack of proper bridging and faucet services.
  3. Weird TypeScript issues
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