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AiTribe is an app that harnesses the power of AI and community engagement to boost marketing efforts for project teams.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

AI Image Generation: Users can create unique images using ChatGPT's image generation capabilities directly within the app. Guided Prompts: The app provides users with project-specific prompts to ensure generated images align with the team's marketing goals. One-Click Posting: Generated images can be instantly shared on the project team's Twitter page with pre-approved text and hashtags. Gamification: Users automatically earn ERC20 tokens for their posts, encouraging ongoing participation.

How it's Made

Galadriel Platform: I utilized Galadriel, the first Layer 1 blockchain designed specifically for AI applications, as the foundation for my project. Smart Contract Development: Using Solidity, I created smart contracts on Galadriel's blockchain to handle the NFT minting process as well as ERC20 token rewards. Text-to-Image AI Integration: I integrated a text-to-image AI model within my smart contract, leveraging Galadriel's ability to bring AI inference on-chain through their teeML (Trusted Execution Environment Machine Learning) system.

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