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An easy to use platform to create a token-gated community and display information only visible for the fans


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of


Airdao - Token Gated Communities on AirDAO 2nd place

Project Description

Airgate allows community creators to issue a token and use it to gate any information they want to only be accessible to the holders of the token, like a discord or a telegram invite link.

Currently the state of the market for creators is, as Jack Conte, the founder of Patreon talked about recently in his talk:

"Ranking algorithms are killing creatives to maximize ad profits, gating allows creators to maximize fan engagement and creativity, for a lifetime, without constantly chasing for new views and rather focusing on the creation."

Airgate allows, potentially, many millions of fans, discover and support the creator they resonate with, and get closer to them by joining a tight-knit community to engage with and know first about any new creations or ideas.

How it's Made

This project was built on Nextjs which is my favorite stack because it utlises both frontend and backend development perfectly. For the blockchain development stack i mostly used Thirdweb for the erc1155 contract, hooks to get data, typescript to deploy transactions. I did also use postgresql with prisma ORM, which accelerated my comunication with the db. For the component library I chose shadcn and the design was built on Figma. All of them bennefited the project in its own way, mostly it accelerated the development and made it possible to create such a platform from scratch in less than 24 hours, notably it did took 14 hours of strait hacking.

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