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AI RPG story game

I try to build an on chain game, but now can only finish charactor creator

AI RPG story game

Created At

HackFS 2024

Project Description

only finish charactor creator' s onchain RPG game I want to build an RPG game with AI onchain, but I just finish an contract to create the charactor. in future, I hope to finish an fantsy RPG game. it will like an D&D Game, on chain. with function creator charactor, play random with ai, and tobe stronger.

How it's Made

building a prompt and use @galadriel to make an onchain contract to use AI with GPT using solidity to mske contract and will to use nextjs to build website. galadriel make me can use openai's api onchain, it allows me to finish this game onchain, not offchain. in future, I hope to finish an fantsy RPG game. it will like an D&D Game, on chain. with function creator charactor, play random with ai, and tobe stronger.

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