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Be in flow. Low-code Web3 Automation. With ActionsFlow you can combine provable triggers and actions backed by zero code technologies with simple drag&drop


Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of

vlayer Labs - Best use of Web Proofs

Project Description

Be in flow. Low-code Web3 Automation. Building an onchain application requires a big expertise in computer science and a lot of experience. But what if you have an amazing trading idea like buying doge coin every Elon masks tweets about this and you haven't written a single smart contract in your life? Actionsflow comes to help.

With ActionsFlow you can combine provable triggers and actions backed by zero code technologies with simple drag&drop.

Using zkTls all the trigger conditions are cryptographically proved on-chain making them transparent and reliable. Drag and drop complex triggers and actions. Make your most daring tradings ideas ideas real

Simple examples: Copy-trade some other trader swaps on 1inch by repeating proved transactions Prove bullish Elon Musk twitt by zk regex

Ready to try the trickiest no-code experience? Try out ActionsFlow!

How it's Made

Actions Flow utilize vlayer's ability to prove almost everything on ethereum to manage tricky triggers. For copytrading an rpc request is proved that returns the target trader transaction by hash. The raw ssl payload of rpc call is checked inside ethereum smartcontract. Rust based prover compatible with tlsNotary generates webproofs that are processed by vlayer's prover and verifier. The verifier is wrapped with actions flow contract to verify trigger conditions on-chain. User-friendly interface allows combine trigger and actions blocks to automatically generate smart contract. It wraps verifier generated by vlayer project to ensure the transparent and fair trigger conditions checking

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