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Platform that provides funding for developers to attend in person hackathons.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🏰 Optimism — Deploy on Mainnet

The Graph

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize


🏊 Scroll — Deploy a Smart Contract

Project Description

Abinitio aims in creating a platform to help hackers attend in person hackathons. The platform is matching hackers and sponsors (protocols and/or individuals) together. Abinitio solves real world problems by providing financial assistance to developers especially from underrepresented groups and thus resulting into bringing more diversity into web3 and making the space more accessible. Abinitio enables access to funding, community and networking to builders that would not otherwise be available. This is an MVP and could turn into a DAO later on.

How it's Made

FrontEnd: Nextjs, rainbow kit for wallets

  • The Graph: own new subgraph created and use of existing Lens protocol Subgraph
  • WAGMI for talking with deployed contract BackEnd
  • Scaffold.eth and solidity, hardhat, The Graph, Typescript, Open Zeppelin
  • Scaffold.eth and solidity, hardhat, The Graph, Typescript, Open Zeppelin
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