Aave Secret Loans

A decentralized application built on blockchain technology, providing a fun and secure way for users to participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange using crypto tokens.

Aave Secret Loans

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Project Description

Overview: CryptoSecretSanta is a decentralized application (DApp) built on blockchain technology, providing a fun and secure way for users to participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange using crypto tokens. Key Features: User Registration: Users will register with the app using their crypto wallets. Each user's wallet address will serve as their unique identifier in the Secret Santa game. Token Integration: The app will use a specific ERC-20 or ERC-721 token as the "gift" within the Secret Santa exchange. Users need to have a certain amount of tokens to participate, creating a sense of value and commitment. Participation Mechanism: Participants will use the app to enter the Secret Santa game by staking a specific number of tokens. The app will ensure that participants meet the minimum token requirement to maintain fairness. Randomized Gift Assignment: After the participation period ends, the app will randomly assign each participant a gift recipient. Smart contract logic will ensure that participants cannot be assigned to themselves. Gift Claiming: Participants can log in to the app to see the recipient to whom they are assigned. Upon claiming a gift, the assigned tokens will be transferred to the recipient's wallet address. Security Measures: The use of blockchain technology ensures transparency and security. Smart contract logic will be audited to prevent any manipulation of gift assignments. Messaging System: Participants will be able to send anonymous messages to their gift recipients within the app. Event History: A history of past Secret Santa events and their outcomes will be stored on the blockchain for reference.

How it's Made

Web3 tech stack

  • This application makes use of tableland to store users' quiz scores. This allows to query all scores, top 10 scores, and highest scores to display a leader board so this is a community-driven app.Tableland stores users' NFTs info and scores: - function to store all metadata for an NFT(tx hash, quiz name, quiz id, user wallet, date) - function to store users' scores - function that returns a user scores - function that returns top 10 user scores

  • Sepolia Network: We deployed our dApp on the Sepolia Network with contract address 0xe1fc2d6bd2e43ea944172ce9469a18193eeb40734c387fed3e519498ebd65d1e for secure, fastest, and unexpensive transactions. We are using this contract to keep track of the user's posted quizzes, successfully answered quizzes, NFT awards, user profiles, and rating systems.

  • Family Wallet: The "Family Wallet" seamlessly integrates wallets with our platform, facilitating user authentication and enabling seamless interaction with the associated smart contract.

  • SDK aave protocol-js: we are using the GHO token for loan & staking purposes, leveraging its stability as a token.

  • This application uses NFTStorage to store metadata for NFTs rewards and metadata quiz information such as quiz description, title, category, level, language, image, author, questions, and options.

  • ENS: Our application uses ENS to lookup ENS and fetches ENS Avatar and displays an address ENS with a Blockie image and option to copy the address.

  • We used Solidity for the smart contract.

  • We used OpenZeppelin ERC720 we use the ERC721 template for faster development of our smart contract.

  • Hardhat for local blockchain development.

  • We used Tailwind, MUI, Nextjs, and ReactJS for the frontend, and Ethersjs to connect to the blockchain.

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