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AA Dashboard

Check the complete history of any Safe{Wallet} address for any chain

AA Dashboard

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This dashboard allows you to view the complete history of any Safe{Wallet} address. Simply input the address of the Safe{Wallet} you want to audit, choose the network and click audit. It will then display all the changes that have ever been made like addition/deletion of owners, threshold changes, enabling/disabling of modules etc. to that particular Safe{Wallet}

How it's Made

This project is made using Scaffold-ETH-2 and Covalent APIs. Scaffold-ETH-2 provides the boilerplate code for the frontend which I have tweaked according to my use case and Covalent APIs are used to fetch all the transactions and log events for the addresses. These are then filtered according to criteria pertaining to Safe{Wallet} addresses and then displayed in a clear manner on the website.

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