A VC-gated (verifiable credential gated) page

Beginner here creating a dApp on Polygon Visit the template repo https://github.com/oceans404/fullstack-polygon-id-vc-gated-dapp/tree/main and click "Use this template" to create a new repo Get a KYCAgeCredential Verifiable Credential

A VC-gated (verifiable credential gated) page

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

I used a template as a base to bootstrap a Polygon hackathon project FAST šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø so you can focus on your dapp's business logic & building the value layer of the internet. šŸš€

Turns out my phone needs an upgrade. Current model is not supported for interaction with Polygon ID

Built with the popular React JS library āœ… VC Gated with a Polygon ID KYCAgeCredential āœ… Fully connected with to all EVM chains including Polygon zkEVM Testnet and Polygon Mumbai Testnet RainbowKit Wallet āœ… Beautifully styled with configurable components and icons from the Chakra UI library āœ… Ready to interact with any smart contract thanks to working read and write examples from a Polygon zkEVM Testnet demo smart contract with wagmi hooks

How it's Made


Visit the template repo https://github.com/oceans404/fullstack-polygon-id-vc-gated-dapp/tree/main and click "Use this template" to create a new repo

Get a KYCAgeCredential Verifiable Credential - follow instructions here Get a KYCAgeCredential Verifiable Credential - follow instructions here

Follow server setup instructions


Follow frontend setup instructions https://github.com/oceans404/fullstack-polygon-id-vc-gated-dapp/tree/main/frontend

Follow server setup instructions

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