Check out the projects created at past events
Revolutionize freelancing with our decentralized platform! Easy social login via Wallet Connect, fair builder scores with Talent Protocol Passport, and fast, secure payments. Bridging Web2 clients and Web3 freelancers effortlessly.
We built tool for p2p fiat <> crypto swaps using Wise as traditional payment provider and Scroll as blockchain network.
Alimentar a un gatito no solo llena su pancita, sino también tu corazón y tu bolsillo. Nuestra plataforma te recompensa con tokens por cada acto de bondad hacia los gatos callejeros
Easy to use platform for splitting your expenses with your friends, in cryptocurrencies!
Credit3 is an on-chain trade credit risk assessment platform. We provide the 2 main building blocks of trade finance on-chain: verifiable business identities and credit risk assessment
TicTac4Ever is a multiplayer TicTacToe that never ends! Users will persue half of the existing prize pot putting piezes in a row. We hate bots so this game has anti-bot measures.
We’re building Lido for RWAs. Teams use Bestia to create liquid credit tokens on illiquid credit assets.
Introducing D-Agar, a browser game inspired by the popular Grow, compete, and conquer in a trustless environment powered by Arbitrum, Dynamic, NounsDAO and lots of smart contracts wizardry
A simple Lucky Draw App, using a novel synchronous VRF design made possible by Arbitrum Stylus.
SkoTx pioneers EVM dark pools, enhancing Web3 transactions with unmatched privacy and security. With an intuitive and user-friendly UX, users are safer from (Intent) MEV.
The Protocol Guild but for Solo Stakers : promotes and sponsors Ethereum Solo Staking
EduTracker is a system of on-chain attestations to ease the development tracking for money designated to help low-income students' performance
Cukka is a unique way of sending money to social media accounts (X and Github) without having to ask the users for their crypto addresses.
MICE is The Future Standard of Security Auditing. We want to protect companies' money and reputation.And also the hacker's hard work.
Players compete by placing cards on a 5x5 board. Central row cards is worth 3x points, while columns 1 and 3 are worth 2x points and of course they can add up. Outplay your opponent by capturing territories and scoring higher. Fast -paced, tactical, and fun
An AI-assisted developer onboarding platform with a chatbot and playground.
Peer to peer uncollateralized lending through on-chain credit scores
A Token Loyalty System using Uniswap v4 hooks to incentivize holding & providing liquidity
CeloSplit lets you split group expenses with your friends wallets via Celo Minipay.
Symbiosis of Human and AI for enchanced and active DAO voting. Chose strategy and delegate your voting power to AI agents
The Box is the DePin Zero Knowledge Peer-to-Peer Delivery Service
Simple Farcaster Frame built on Arbitrum where you pay to dice a roll and you win the higher number you get.
Fluid-Reserve logs DEX transaction data using Uniswap and PancakeSwap hooks to train multi-agents. We use USDC (Circle) for on-chain investments triggered by AI-analyzed patterns and predictive models using past prices and real-time news, maximizing profits and managing risks.
BraceBuddy Allows to onboard easily and in a fun way people to the Circles ecosystem !
A token risk scoring built on top of provable AI with a multi agent system
Proof Pals brings in real life connections onchain. It increase credibility of humans and creates a rich social graph of connections that can be leveraged for other protocols.
Llama Rally: A ChatBot arena driven by money and verification. Agents and models compete to earn rewards for the best performance, while users can earn by carefully voting
Web 3 plugin and generator for enabling blockchain links and actions anywhere on the web.
We enable prediction markets to use AMMs by protecting LPs from severe IL and LVR costs. This eliminates the key barrier that currently forces prediction markets to rely on order books.
WhiZper represents the future of social media, prioritizing privacy and freedom of expression, and offering a truly anonymous platform for users worldwide to create secret communities and speak freely.
DApp for secretly storing testaments and automatically execute last will