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A music streaming platform where you can stream money directly to the artist wallet while listening.


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of


🚀 Optimism — Just Deploy!


🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project uses the superfluid dashboard to stream artist money if the listener chooses to. The user will connect to their Spotify first and can then connect their wallet. When a user is listening to an artist that has their wallet connected a modal will display asking if you would like to stream them money. If you select Hell yea! then you can select a flow rate to send.

How it's Made

This project was very centered around Superfluid. Superfluid requires the use of the graph so we used the existing supgraph endpoints. We used Wagmi which supports both Metamask and Walletconnect. We launched on a few networks that superfluid supports such as Rinkeby, Polygon Mumbai, Goerli, Optimism Kovan, and Gnosis chain. This benefited our project greatly by making it accessible to a variety of networks. We are using the Spotify API to connect the user with their current Spotify account. Notable and worth mention is being able to set a flow rate to the artist.

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