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An Open, Verifiable & Permissionless Filecoin FVM Fil+ Notary


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

Protocol Labs

🏆 FVM — Grand Prize

Project Description

This project allows the Filecoin community to participate in the functions of an open notary. The goal of the project is to be an Open, Verifiable and Permissionless notary governed by the Filecoin community. The notary allows clients to get verified and receive data cap. Clients or Providers violating data cap for wrong purposes can be kicked out of the platform by community watchdogs. All decisions are made via decentralized voting. The post hackathon goal is to create a production grade decentralized FIL notary.

How it's Made

FVM based contracts allow the creation of a trustless notary. An ERC20 based governance token takes care of the voting power. An openzeppelin Governor contract handles voting and proposal. The governor contract owns a FVM Client contract which keeps track of verified clients and data cap allocation. All the functions of the client contract are only accessible via the Governor contract which allows the execution only via passed proposals. It is deployed on FVM Calibration network. The frontend is made using NextJS and also uses tally zero client.

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