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3BD is a markeplace protocol for blind sided deeds which enable the user to colaterlize thwir assets without revealing what their assets are


Created At

Circuit Breaker

Project Description

When dealing with high networth lending privacy abd discretion are essential to facilitating liquidity. Borrowers do not want to reveal their collateral unless nessecary and lenders need to know that the collateral is solid.

Enter 3 Blind Deeds. 3BD enables borrowers to commit their on chain assets to a deed which can then be "blind" valued i.e. it can be vonfirmed that the collateral exceeds a given value with a "proof" that the contents do indeed exceed the value. However the value of the deed nor the individual assets is never revealed. This enables a user to collaeralize their 1 of 1 NFT or tokenized Bugatti without revealing to the lender thus potecting the borrower from predatory lending practices.

How it's Made

3BD is built on the scroll blovkchain, leveraging zk transactions. The project provides a marketplace contract whivh is used to broker blind loans on chain. The UI for the project leverages VueJS with smart contracts built on evm, Scroll Sepolia testnet, levaraging Openzeppelin contracts and libraries. The dApp is built using an on chain centralised registry pattern.

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