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2PM.Network is a privacy-computing AI ecosystem that using FHE to revolutionize data security and data availability. We aim to build AI models to create a natural copyright scenario.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

2PM.Network is a privacy computing AI model public application ecosystem based on Ethereum security. It will distribute the inference revenue of AI models to privacy data and computing power.

This 2PM data management client collaborates with Filecoin (IPFS), utilizing client-side and data management contract suites to enable users to conveniently verify, encrypt, and upload their own data. It's a match made in data heaven!

How it's Made

2PM Data Management Client extends 2PM's original structure by integrating Zama and Filecoin technologies. It uses Zama for fully homomorphic encryption and uploads the data to Filecoin, ensuring complete confidentiality of user-uploaded data for AI model training.

This client implements basic data encryption and data upload functionality. In addition to providing users with the most secure local encryption method (because we take security seriously! 🕵️‍♂️), it also establishes a trusted data server, allowing users to complete data encryption and upload to IPFS with a single click. It's like magic, but better!

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