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1Transfer is a dApp that provides a zero hassle single push multi-transfer system.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

Project Description

Transfer native and ERC20 coins to multiple accounts in a single transfer. Supports multiple chains and tokens, transfer from 1 to many using the zero hassle single push app or build on top of the system using our deployed contracts. It was built to handle floating point number divisions which can be a challenging topic in the Solidity scenario.

How it's Made

This project runs on three chains, Mainnet, Polygon, and Optimism, and supports any kind of ERC20 token on any of the deployed networks (including AAVE and Cronos)

It uses ENS to show the name of the username if it's available and it is deployed in Valist.

Hardhat was used to develop the smart contract, which is thoroughly tested.

The landing page is plain HTML and the client was built using Svelte.

Tailwind and Daisy UI were used for developing the UIs

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