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Mapping the EVM worlds — they are doughnuts


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

10tance is a data processor to build virtual worlds from the state of an EVM chain.

The core concept is the translation of an Ox address into a predictable location, giving objects (EOA accounts and contracts) a position and subsequently distance between them.

An EVM world

To each chain its own world. They will be displayed on an interactive 2d map.

If you think the world is flat, I can tell you you are wrong because it is actually a doughnut ! Here they are indeed toruses, east connects with west and north with south :

  • it makes the projection s simple as on flat world
  • there is no edges as on a sphere world

Same as with classical interactive maps, it will be composed of several layers fitting into two categories :

Background layers

They could be an addresses density map, market value density.

Or even a procedural generated world :

  • the zero address would be a volcano where to burn tokens
  • the liquidity pools would be lakes and seas
  • the validator nodes would be mountains with mines
  • the EOA addresses houses

Interactive points of interest

Accounts and contracts shown as interactive locations. Searchable from their standard ERC interfaces, their addresses, their links to other objects

Hackathon goals

The aim for this hackathon is to build the building block for future emerging features related to two fields : data visualization and gamification.

Some ideas and examples of what could be build on top of it are following.

On the serious side of data visualization :

  • display metrics in a visual way
  • materialize links between contracts : liquidity pools with their tokens, tokens with their holders etc.
  • crowd curated directory of contracts

On the fun side of gamification :

  • related to the data directory of contracts : a world discovery game where users navigate the map and explore contracts, describing and auditing or incentivize others to do it
  • a game to own the closest possible NFT to a sponsor contract
  • a game where holding an NFT would spread sovereignty over an area around. Leading to conflict and alliances

How it's Made

Done at submission time


A PostgreSQL database with PostGis to store the locations along their metadata and to query them


An ETL indexer using the Blockscout API as a source of data : extract addresses and identification, transform them into location, and load them into the indexed database.

It currently shows data from the Optimism Mainnet.


A NextJS application bootstraped with Scaffold-ETH

It uses the leaflet library to display the map, tweaked to project a torus world on a specific coordinates reference system.


An Express backend server to serve :

  • The background tiles : they are currently mock images
  • The the objects of interest, retrieved from the indexed data


  • Actual background tiles generated from data
  • To fetch extra data from the Blockscout API at runtime
  • To create EAS attestations on displayed contracts. Audit like feature
background image mobile

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