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"The greatest waste in the world is the talent that is never used"


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

In the current educational landscape, students, particularly those from diverse backgrounds, face barriers in receiving direct support from donors due to convoluted processes within the existing online system. Unclear procedures and financial inefficiencies hinder the seamless connection between donors and students. The transition to Web3 technology provides an opportunity to address these challenges by leveraging blockchain for a more straightforward, secure, and impactful donor-student interaction.


How it's Made

During the hackathon project, I encountered several challenges, primarily centered around time constraints and the integration of diverse functionalities. The limited time frame pressured the development process, necessitating efficient time management and prioritization. Integrating various functionalities posed another hurdle, requiring careful coordination to ensure seamless interaction between different components. Balancing innovation with practical implementation within the tight timeline demanded creative problem-solving and adaptability. Despite these challenges, the experience enhanced my ability to work under pressure and reinforced the importance of strategic planning in fast-paced project environments.

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