Stock photography marketplace using NFTs that puts creators first and pays royalties every second.
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
Photo marketplaces take massive % of a photos sale:
Photographers should be earning the majority of the sale, not the other way around.
Photographers upload an image and mint an “Asset NFT”. Media buyers mint a “License NFT” to define usage and enable payments.
Payments automatically stream to the Asset NFT creating cash flow for the photographer. 0xPhotos is streamed 2% of all payments through the system to fund the intended DAO and future development.
Asset NFTs become future cash flow positive assets that can be traded on NFT marketplaces.
The build:
NFT 721 asset contract
NFT 721 license contract
Superfluid Tradeable Cashflow contract
React-based NFT website + marketplace
Polygon: All contracts and NFTs (minting + marketplace) are on Polygon instead of L1.
IPFS: We store all assets and licenses on IPFS.
Moralis: Moralis is our API for interacting with the blockchain.
Superfluid: Anyone who licenses content opens a SuperFluid stream paying the NFT's owner.
Covalent: NFT indexing and metadata.
Next.js for frontend
Truffle and Remix for Solidity development