0xParadise is a programming game designed to challenge players to develop a castaway character capable of surviving on an island for the longest time possible. Players can choose to program their castaway using Solidity code or utilize the provided no-code tool to play.
0xParadise is a programming game designed to challenge players to develop a castaway character capable of surviving on an island for the longest time possible. Players can choose to program their castaway using Solidity code or utilize the provided no-code tool to customize their character's stats and actions.
The primary objective of 0xParadise is to research and develop a fully on-chain, composable game. Players have the opportunity to create and fully customize their characters through a smart contract, allowing them to engage with the game in any way they desire. While the composability of 0xParadise is currently limited to the actions each player's character can perform, this constraint still offers a multitude of customization options. Players can adjust their character's resource prioritization, building preferences, or even control their actions at each stage of the game.
By offering extensive customization capabilities, 0xParadise fosters creativity and strategic thinking, providing a unique and engaging gaming experience for its players. While modern day games are constrained by predetermined features, 0xParadise's unique composability allows players to explore the limits of their imagination and create truly personalized experiences.
As Tetration Labs continued to build reputation in the Autonomous World sector, we see a potential of it as a growing industry within Web3. With our previous explorations with zk and growing expertise at building onchain games, our challenge for this hackathon is to build a game with a composable feature in mind.
Usually most autonomous world started from building the world logic and game first before people could build on top in terms of introducing more components and system functions. However with this game, our plan is to force players to build on top in order to play the game. With multiple moving parts and customizations that's paired with permissionless smart contract interface, our goal is to experiment with and push the boundaries of Autonomous World as we build and learn from our player base.
RULES Each Game Contains: 8 Players
Our smart contract suit consist of 0xparadise world, islander interface ,islander registry, and some sample islander code along with supporting library. all of this are wrote from scratch in Solidity.
we run world simulation the in our EVM using Ethereum js.
The frontend are Nextjs. and our no-code islander tool are build with Streamlit in Python.