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Reward valid hackathon submissions with a soulbound NFT based on sponsor SDK utilisation graded with AI.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Recognition and Motivation: Traditional hackathons often provide limited recognition to participants, especially those who don't win top prizes. By issuing soulbound NFTs, every participant who makes a valid submission receives a unique and permanent digital token of recognition.

Encouraging SDK Utilization: By tying the reward to the utilization of a sponsor's SDK, this approach encourages participants to engage more deeply with the sponsor's technology.

Time Constraints: Thoroughly evaluating each submission requires time, which can be a scarce resource in large-scale competitions.

How it's Made

Ensuring a fair and standardised evaluation of projects and measuring utilisation, as well as accurately reporting specific instances where sponsor code was used. The challenge here was mostly in consistency of judgement results, which we drastically improved with various context-stuffing and prompt engineering techniques.

We use the docs and bounty requirements specified by each sponsor to validate the completeness of the implementation.

A thorough evaluation can cost up to $1 in gpt4 api usage. Similar scoring processes can be performed with local open source models, but see a drop in evaluation accuracy, especially for large codebases.

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