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A DeFi plus DeSo platform to solve all of you money management and investing issues.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🥇 Valist — Best Use

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

A DeFi plus DeSo platform to manage and receive money in a single platform . Users can create payments requests with specific expiry and amount and also create personalized links . We provide multiple options to accept payments such as PAYNOW, PAYLATER and PAYVIASTREAM to be able to fit all the payers needs

Users can register on the platform and then create payment request links directly from their dashboard which are active just for a certain period of time and accepts the exact amount . The platform also gives Invoices for the payment made as proof in form NFT which are directly minted in the backend. We also provide our users with a personalized page which can be used by payer to send a random amount . This fulfils all types of payment accepting requests. All the amount is then sent to a funds contract which is super secure and ensures the safety of the funds until withdrawn by the user. It also stores all the info and the balance of the user receiving the funds and maintains proper record. Users can verify the receiver address with our verification methods that ensures that the address is not compromised and the funds are not lost .

You can invest directly in multiple options offered by the platform from your earnings . Lending and borrowing is to be done via AAVE . Interest earning opportunities with Yearn Vaults. The investing feature is still under build due to time constraints , will be released soon.

Full Video Link:

Live Demo: Valist Link-

Vercel Link-

How it's Made

All the contracts are currently deployed on the Polygon Mumbai chain and written in Solidity and managed with Hardhat . -- Payment Profile - manages and maintains the record of the users -- Payment Requests - creates the requests and accept the payments -- Funds receive - Super secure contract to receive funds and manage it -- Stream - to control the streams created with superfluid

The contracts are deployed with help of Thirdweb which provides the proper dashboard for all the contracts for developer.

The invoices and other Data is stored on IPFS with help of and The NFTs are minted in the back with NFT Port Custom NFT minting services for free . The Graph protocol indexes the requests which are created in the contracts.

We are leveraging Next.js Routing feature to maintain and create the payment links and personalized links for all the users to ensure the best payment receiving method for the payer. Axios is being used for API queries for all the requests .

A Dashboard is provided for the user to register themself. Then to verify their receiver address and withdraw the funds they have in the balances. Payment Request links are created directly from the dashboard which can be shared with payer . The personalized links provides a similar interface . The frontend is built with Next.js and React.js .

The interaction with contracts is done via Wagmi.js and ethers.js . Wallet connection is maintained with the help of Rainbowkit.

Investing features includes the integration of AAVE , Superfluid and Yearn , still under build , to be launched soon .

We are also looking forward to add XMTP and EPNS for communication purposes between the payer and the payee

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