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a web3 integrated, culturally neutral pattern recognition game

Project Description

Our game is based on 2x2 square cards, and each square on that 2x2 card can be 1 out of 4 total colors, so 256 different card combinations in total. The game starts by the user providing a seed which then randomly shuffles all of the cards in a random order. Next, 49 of the shuffled cards are placed in a 7x7 card grid, and then any of the 256 cards are chosen one by one for the player to find. Now, the player must search the board for the singular card they have just been given, and the solution could be between multiple cards or could just be a singular card. Some cards are easier to find than others, that's why we're using a point system based on the complexity of the card. The number of points a card is worth is directly correlated to the amount of colors on that card. For example, if the player gets a card with 3 red squares and 1 blue square, they will receive 2 points for correctly identifying that card on the board, since there are 2 colors (red, blue). The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach 10 points, and once a player reaches 10 they can claim the board. What this means is that if they have successfully reached 10 points, the game will stop and the winning player will be awarded a tradable NFT of the board they were just playing on.

How it's Made

  • fully web3, Solidity
  • nextJS frontend.
  • FL studio
  • Adobe Fresco
  • domain/play/[seed]/[targerCard] routing=> seed creates pseudo random board => share seed with friends to play on the same board, choose any targetCard from 0 to 255 (4**4, 4 colors, 2x2 card)
  • small, efficient smart contract
  • player can guess where the targetCard is by clicking anywhere on the board
  • deployed to skale, sepolia, flow
  • eth-scaffold2
  • winner gets NFT using serverless function that combines partial colors/cards into a board and delivers the full picture
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