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Lilypad is revolutionising AI by making distributed compute accessible and running state of the art models simple and painfree and by committing to partnering with other protocols to complete give developers and users the tooling and Building an actually open AI platform means building a community of passionate developers committed to creating open infrastructure and protocols capable of not only democratising AI and distributing value more fairly across the stack, but also helping us shape the vision of Lilypad. That's why we're absolutely jazzed to be able to offer a bounty here at ETHGlobal Sydney for folks building much needed tooling for Lilypad or for experimenting with building downstream apps on top of our current AI offering. We're looking for integrations, plugins, marketplaces and all things in between that can help make Lilypad more accessible and easier to use for developers and AI lovers alike as well as amazing apps & DApps across DeFi, DeSci, gaming, social and more that build on the benefits of crypto and AI advantages.


🐸 Best Lilypad Tooling or Use of Lilypad$2,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
We're looking for integrations, plugins, marketplaces and all things in between that can help make Lilypad more accessible and easier to use for developers and AI lovers alike. We're also looking for amazing downstream apps & DApps across DeFi, DeSci, gaming, social and more that build on the benefits of crypto and AI advantages.

Qualification Requirements

Teams must use or improve on Lilypad and the vision for the Lilypad Network.