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Dabl Club is an inclusive community where builders, developers and the wild ones come together to create the future, on Polygon. Build on Polygon on ETHGlobal Sydney and qualify to win our prizes.


Launch an MVP on Polygon Cardona$2,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Cardona is the new zkEVM Testnet and for this bounty, we’d like to see your best EVM ideas that use the Cardona Testnet. These ideas can range from anything from DAO tooling, to DeFi, to Gaming. What we want you to do is put on your best thinking caps and show us your most innovative MVP!

Qualification Requirements

1 - You have a working, clickable MVP deployed on Polygon Cardona 2 - Users can sign up and interact with your smart contract deployed to the Polygon Cardona Testnet 3 - If we get fewer than three projects, or they do not meet our criteria, the prize money might change.

🔒 Zero Knowledge Bounty$2,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Zero-knowledge continues to dominate Ethereum narratives and Polygon is at the forefront of these efforts. In this bounty, we are inviting builders to incorporate ZK in their projects in new and innovative ways. We have two ZK tracks for your consideration.

Qualification Requirements

An innovative project that uses zero-knowledge to preserve user privacy or extend the use of existing zero-knowledge applications in blockchain, such as the zkEVM. This is an open bounty where we are looking for exciting ZK builders who want to build on top of Polygon using any ZK DSL of their choice. Successful projects should look like a clear demonstrable use of zero-knowledge primitives. You have to write your own circuits and demonstrate an innovative use of an existing ZK primitive or build one of your own. If you’re building a privacy app, then we would like to see you incorporate a minimally invasive user experience. User experience lies at the heart of a successful ZK implementation, we are excited to see how you can build a delightful experience for your privacy apps or deliver a great performance improvement using ZK in a way that solves different problems. You can build a Privacy App with an interface or have no UI at all.