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Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 built to bring the next billion users onchain. Base is a founding participant in the Optimism Superchain and the second core developer of the OP Stack.


⛓️ Build an Onchain Product$3,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Leveraging Base, build a user friendly onchain product. Be creative! This can be a consumer ready utility focused app based on NFTs, Attestations, DAOs, payments, or finances. This category can also cover onchain tooling to help make onchain development easier. Try to fill any gaps not currently deployed on Base!

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way and be open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video).

⛽️ Best use of 4337 Account Abstraction$2,000
1st place
2nd place
Utilize a smart contract wallet to further improve UX. Utilize the new Base Node (RPC, Paymaster, and Bundler) Cloud AA Stack to allow for free end user transactions. For example: - Create a tool to make developers spin up an AA+Paymaster project faster - Extend the Smart Wallet Contract to add an additional plugin or integration.

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way and be open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video).