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Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. World ID, part of the Worldcoin ecosystem, is the privacy-first identity protocol that brings global proof of personhood to the internet. World Chain is our upcoming OP Stack L2, building the Blockchain for Humans.


πŸ†” Best Use of World ID βΈΊ $10,000
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
Honorable Mention
These prizes are for the best overall use cases of World ID, Worldcoin's privacy-preserving proof of personhood protocol. Show us your ideas where anti-bot and anti-sybil have the greatest impact!

Qualification Requirements

- Integrate Sign in with World ID or Incognito Actions. - World ID must be fully integrated. Proof validation is required and needs to occur in a web backend or smart contract.

⛽️ Gas Subsidy with World ID & Reth βΈΊ $4,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,000
Implement chain-wide gas subsidy for World ID-verified users with Reth. This is an open track and we're looking for a variety of creative solutions -- there's no wrong answer! You should deploy your own OP Stack Testnet for this prize.

Qualification Requirements

This prize will be awarded to the best solution using World ID for gas subsidy chain-wide. The gas subsidy should not require any integration work for contracts or applications deployed on your chain. If no suitable solutions are submitted, these funds will be allocated to the Pool Prize.

⏩ Transaction Priority with World ID & Reth ⸺ $4,000
Implement transaction priority for World ID-verified users with Reth! Transactions from World ID-verified users should be included in blocks before transactions from unverified users. This is an open track and we're looking for a variety of creative solutions -- there's no wrong answer! You should deploy your own OP Stack Testnet for this prize.

Qualification Requirements

This prize will be awarded to the best solution using World ID for transaction priority with Reth. If no suitable solutions are submitted, these funds will be allocated to the Pool Prize.

🏊 Pool Prize ⸺ $2,000
Split with up to 66 teams (capped at $30 per team)
The Pool Prize will be evenly distributed to all projects that attempt to win Worldcoin prizes (excluding those that win a separate prize from us).

Qualification Requirements

Projects must demonstrate a good-faith effort to integrate World ID or achieve one of Worldcoin's prize objectives to be eligible for the pool prize.