
The Universal Yield Marketplace. A chain-abstracted yield platform allowing protocols to distribute ERC-4626 and ERC-7540 vaults and for users to access any vault on any EVM chain, in one transaction.


🧱 Best ERC-4626 vault implementation$7,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
This prize will be awarded to the top vault implementations, judged by the following: - Return of the yield strategy - Code quality and cleanliness - Creativity! You may either create a new conformant vault or wrap an existing protocol in the standard.

Qualification Requirements

- Deploy the vault on the EVM of your choice - Must be conformant to ERC-4626 - Read more best practices in the Guidelines & Resources

⚙️ Best ERC-7540 vault implementation$2,500
1st place
2nd place
This prize will be awarded to the top vault implementations, judged by the following: * Return of the yield strategy * Code quality and cleanliness * Creativity! You may either create a new conformant vault or wrap an existing protocol in the standard.

Qualification Requirements

- Deploy the vault on the EVM of your choice - Must be conformant to ERC-7540 - Read more best practices in the Guidelines & Resources