ETHGlobal Singapore


ENS (Ethereum Name Service) is a decentralised naming protocol for the new internet. ENS enables you to have a portable web3 username and profile. Use it to establish an online identity, simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, host decentralised websites, and more. ENS supports all DNS names (.com, .xyz, etc.) in addition to our native .eth TLD.


📝 Best feedback on ENS documentation$1,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $500
We want our docs to be a one-stop-shop for learning everything you need to know to build on ENS. If you find a page that has confusing content, or feel that a particular topic isn't covered as much as it should be, let us know! Even better if you come to the booth to discuss a topic may have been confusing in the docs.

Qualification Requirements

Open a GitHub issue with specific feedback, including a link to the relevant page(s) and what wasn't clear or what you wish was on that page instead.

🛠️ Best use of ENS$9,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Any type of ENS integration is eligible for this prize, from subname infrastructure to consumer social apps that use ENS for identity. Get creative! An example of a successful project may be a smart contract wallet that mints an ENS subname upon deployment, or unique use cases for text records. If you're building an AI project, consider how ENS can be used to name autonomous agents. For L2 projects, we encourage you to explore the EVMGateway linked below. Come by our booth for help brainstorming ideas!

Qualification Requirements

It should be abundantly clear how ENS improves your product and is not just implemented as an afterthought. The more ENS-centric it is, the better. Your demo should be functional and not just include hard-coded values. Upon submission, your project showcase must have a video recording or link to a live demo.