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Nillion is a secure computation network that decentralizes trust for high value data in the same way that blockchains decentralized transactions. High value data stored in the Nillion Network can be computed on while staying hidden, unlocking new use cases and verticals; early Nillion builders from our community are building things like tooling for private predictive LLMs and secure storage and compute solutions for healthcare, passwords, and trading data.


🖥️ Best novel use case of blind computation with Nillion$3,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,500
This prize celebrates the use of Nillion blind computation functionality. Use Nillion’s Nada programming language to develop blind computation programs that can solve real world problems between multiple parties. Here are some ideas and inspiration: - Secure voting for DAOs - Blind auctions - Secure orderbooks - Multi-player games (e.g. secure battleship)

Qualification Requirements

- Write at least one PyNada program with SecretIntegers. - In your project README explain your team’s novel use of blind computation and explain your PyNada program logic. - After you submit your project, post your project’s EthGlobal showcase link in our Nillion dev community Show and Tell Github Discussions forum.

🌐 Best application integrating Nillion’s tech$2,000
We are really excited to see the community build Nillion tech into their projects at Scaling Ethereum. Integrate Nillion’s secure store, retrieve and/or compute functionality into your app optimizing for great UX.

Qualification Requirements

- Use the Python or JavaScript Nillion Client for storage, retrieval, and/or blind computation in your app with SecretBlobs and/or SecretIntegers. - In your project README explain your team’s use of Nillion. - After you submit your project, post your project’s EthGlobal showcase link in our Nillion dev community Show and Tell Github Discussions forum.