
Zircuit is a zk rollup with parallelized circuits and AI-enabled security at the sequencer level.​Zircuit is a fully EVM-compatible ZK rollup with parallelized circuits and AI-enabled security at the sequencer level. Built by a team of web3 security veterans and PhDs in computer science, algorithms, and cryptography, Zircuit is backed by Pantera Capital, Dragonfly Capital, and Maelstrom.


πŸ† Best Project on Zircuit βΈΊ $2,500
The best project that deploys on Zircuit will win this prize. The code should be well engineered, tested, and have a compelling use case. These gems are the projects that will inspire future hackathon projects because of their outstanding quality. Remember: deploying on Zircuit is as easy as changing your endpoint in your favorite development framework. As long as the contracts are deployed on Zircuit and verified, the project is eligible. A successful submission will include a functional prototype that solves the problem it’s intended to address. It will showcase some innovation/creativity, either through technological or UI improvements. It may be complete and solve a long-standing open problem or introduce something with a lot of potential for future development. Either way, it has an impact on the Zircuit ecosystem. Winning projects should have a user-centered design that makes it easy for the target audience. This can be end users or developers integrating the project into their own codebase. The best may also include clean and consistent visual designs. Any interesting blockchain applications are welcome. Novel ideas are more impressive than clones of existing projects, though there are certainly times where clones include significant improvements. Those that are very technical may impress the judges if done correctly but simpler ideas may be easier to do well. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

1) Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Mainnet or Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. 2) A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: - a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. - a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how. - short description of the team and their backgrounds. - clear instructions for testing the integration. - feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit. - optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

🧩 Best Zircuit Integration ⸺ $1,250
Integrate Zircuit into your favorite web3 project. Bring Zircuit to wallets, dev tools, bridges, or any other dApp. Grow the Zircuit Ecosystem by connecting Zircuit to the best that web3 has to offer. Success looks like Zircuit running with an on- or off-chain app or tool that didn’t support it before. The integration should be correct and functional, but does not need to be complicated. Some integrations can be as simple as adding a chain ID or a node URL to a file. The project should have an impact on the Zircuit ecosystem by expanding its reach. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, usefulness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

1) Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Mainnet or Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. 2) A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: - a clear short one-sentence description of your submission - a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how - short description of the team and their backgrounds - clear instructions for testing the integration - feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit - optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

😸 Best DeFi Project on Zircuit ⸺ $1,250
Zircuit’s EVM compatibility means that everything can scale, securely. Apply your hacking skills to generate the best APY or improve the user experience of DeFi for the masses on Zircuit. This prize will be split among the best DeFi protocols that deploy on Zircuit, with quality, security, and novelty being the deciding factors. Remember: deploying on Zircuit is as easy as changing your endpoint in your favorite development framework and a project is eligible as long as the contracts are deployed on Zircuit and verified. These DeFi protocols are the ones that will launch a new DeFi summer. Your project should be clearly identifiable as a DeFi protocol. Quality, completeness, and security are paramount. A protocol that lets you (or others!) steal from your users is not a winning submission. Use cases should be well thought out and documented. Through superior UI/UX or novel use cases for staking, your project should aim to give well established DeFi juggernauts cause for concern. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

1) Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Mainnet or Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. 2) A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: - a clear short one-sentence description of your submission - a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how - short description of the team and their backgrounds - clear instructions for testing the integration - feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit - optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.