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SKALE Network



SKALE is the gas-free invisible blockchain network. Built Different for mass adoption because of high-throughput, sustainability, and scalability. SKALE is a great fit for developers building a wide variety of applications including Gaming, AI, Finance, and more. For the ETHSF 2024 hackathon, SKALE is proud to offer bounties for developers building for any of the following: Consumer Social, Financial Rails, and Web2 to Web3 applications. SKALE is 100% EVM-compatible and boasts zero gas fees. You can use many of your favorite tools such as WAGMI, Viem, Ethers, Web3.js, and more. Make sure to stop by the SKALE booth to ask our Developer Success team for hands-on support or visit the Discord channel at Building on SKALE during the ETHSF hackathon allows for eligible* projects to be fast-tracked into one of the SKALE Network grant programs. *Any project that submits to one of the SKALE bounties during the hackathon and successfully builds on SKALE will be considered. Eligibility is subject to change.


🆓 Best Use of Zero Gas Fees$17,000
1st place
2nd place
$2,000 ×4
3rd place
$1,000 ×4
4th place
$500 ×4
SKALE is the gas-free blockchain network. Blockchain has made itself a clear solution for developers looking to innovate in the world of finance and programmable money, however, few blockchains in the space can boast high throughput, sustainable economics, infinite scalability, and zero gas fees. Come build an application that makes use of the zero gas fee network and enables amazing experiences for end users. Build anything you want, but we have listed some possible target categories for exploration: - Consumer Applications with Invisible Web3 User Experiences - Financial Rails - Micro Transactions (come see the workshop)

Qualification Requirements

- Projects should deploy to or interact with one of the SKALE Testnet Chains: - Projects must be built for SKALE and utilize zero gas fees

🛠️ Best use of SKALE Native Integrations$3,000
Up to 3 teams will receive $1,000
SKALE is the gas free blockchain network. Blockchain has made itself a clear solution for developers looking to innovate in the world of finance and programmable money, however, few blockchains in the space can boast high throughput, sustainable economics, infinite scalability, and zero gas fees. Deploy to one of our four SKALE testnets and make use of the SKALE Native functionality to bring your project to the next level. Native SKALE functionality found in requirements.

Qualification Requirements

- Must deploy to or interact with at least one of the SKALE Network Testnets - Projects will be eligible if they make use of one or more SKALE Native features - 3 winners will be selected and receive $1000 each - IMA: Message or bridge between different SKALE Chains - SKALE RNG: Access RNG directly in Solidity with no callbacks or costs - SKALE Oracle: Great for accessing price feeds, 3rd party metadata, and more! - SKALE Filestorage: Store files up to 100mb directly on the SKALE Chain - SKALE Proof of Work: Allows developers to execute invisible transactions for users - Large Block Gas Limit: Make use of the 268,435,455 gas limit offering incredible opportunity to put more on-chain


🌊 The Secret to Zero Gas Fees on SKALE

SKALE is the gas-free blockchain network. It's built different which enables mass adoption through high throughput,...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM PDT — Friday, Oct 18, 2024 in Workshop Room 3